Category: Club News

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KDFWR Range Day post thumbnail

KDFWR Range DayKDFWR Range Day

We have another KDFWR Range Day scheduled at GRGC on March 26, 2022. This is for those completing their orange card training online before the event. Last time we

300 Yard Targets300 Yard Targets

The 300 yard targets are completely down. In fact, the entire target rack is down. I’m working with a Club member on different shielding for the posts. As soon

Christmas Range UpdateChristmas Range Update

We’ve just serviced all the steel targets on Main and Rimfire Ranges. You should be in good shape if Santa brings any new toys that need breaking in. The
Lock Sequence – 2020 & 2022 Locks post thumbnail

Lock Sequence – 2020 & 2022 LocksLock Sequence – 2020 & 2022 Locks

This is the WRONG way to use the Club lock. This would have meant that a member with the 2022 key would have been locked out, or more importantly
Lock Sequence post thumbnail

Lock SequenceLock Sequence

During the key change period, tomorrow through March 1st, please be sure to keep both locks in sequence on the chain. Some members will still be using the current