Category: Club News

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Kentucky Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation 2 Gun Fundraiser MatchKentucky Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation 2 Gun Fundraiser Match

We’re pleased to co-host with WKU PD the third annual Kentucky Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation 2 Gun fundraiser match on October 5, 2024. The 3 person team option is

9th Annual Military Rifle Match9th Annual Military Rifle Match

We will be hosting our 9th Annual Vintage Military Rifle Match on Saturday, August 03rd on the Main Range.  If you are interested in attending the match more information

Steel Plate Match CancelledSteel Plate Match Cancelled

Given the severe weather in the Western part of the state we feel it best to CANCEL the May Steel Plate Match that was scheduled for today – Sunday,
Annual Warren County 4H Shooting Sports Event post thumbnail

Annual Warren County 4H Shooting Sports EventAnnual Warren County 4H Shooting Sports Event

Volunteers needed: next Saturday, June 1 we will be hosting the 4H Shooting Sports Tournament and need volunteers to direct traffic and parking. We need people from 7:00 AM