Martin Hickey, 270-996-8417,

6th Annual Historic Black Powder Firearms Shoot

The 6th Annual Historic Black Powder Firearms Shoot will be held on the Main Range on Saturday, April 26th, 2025.

Welcome firearms include originals as well reproductions used by reenactors, members of the NMLRA, N-SSA, and SASS. Flintlocks, cap-locks, and black powder center fire cartridge firearms are all within scope.

We have a classroom reserved on Friday, April 25th from 12:30 – 4:30 at the Warren County Extension Office for presentations on historic firearms and other related topics germane to collecting, maintaining and shooting 18th & 19th century firearms.  There will be an outing for dinner and socialization on Friday evening after the presentations are complete, and if there is interest, we will go out for Indian cuisine on Saturday evening.

For more information, please contact the match director, Martin Hickey by phone at 270-996-8417 or by email at Queenannsrevenge2002@Yahoo.Com.  Please put “BP Match Information” in the email Subject Line.