ARA Match

Registration @ 9:00 AM

1st Annual Green River Gun Club Picnic

Sunday September 27 all members and their families are invited to the first annual GRGC Club Picnic. All Match Directors have agreed to open one stage of their Match from 3:30-4:30 that afternoon so everyone can see first hand what our Matches are like and shoot them if they choose. Eye and ear protection are […]


Match starts @ 5:00 PM


Main Range closed

The main range will be closed from 9am to 5pm. The 22 range and Pistol bays will still be available for member use

Cowboy Match

Registration @ 09:30, Match starts at 10:00

Steel Plate Match

Shooter’s Meeting @ 1:15 PM, Match Starts at 1:30 PM



Match starts @ 5:00 PM


Cowboy Match

Registration @ 09:30, Match starts at 10:00

